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The application of SPECTRI Ltd. for measurement, monitoring and real time visualization of environmental parameters (sound, vibrations, air quality, dust particles, meteo data, etc) is user adapted solution for remote cloud monitoring and visualization of environmental parameters (like sound, vibrations, air quality, seismic activity, meteorology data, particulates, acidity). The producer of its hardware computing and communication components and comprehensive software is SPECTRI Ltd. SPECTRI Ltd. has created and is maintaining „SPECTRI Noise Web Access©” ( cloud based platform, which is contemporary reliable non-Windows base system (Linux OS in terminal data loggers and in remote server) - designed to assure constant monitoring and measurements, as well to avoid measurement data lose in case of defective terminal or lose of communication. In case of connection drop between the remote server and monitoring terminal or terminal switch off, the Spectri Data Logger automatically starts local recording of measurement data, and simultaneously continuously initiates sessions to re-establish communication and/or power supply. The measurements are based on continuous periodical reports of real measured parameters of environment. Simultaneously, there is possibility to visualize chosen parameters in real time. The data is recorded continuously, and the parameters are calculated without interruptions. Historical data is updated and upgraded in the server, and simultaneously is assured replication and data protection. All historical data is available for dynamic inquiry through

The measuring instruments are subject of periodical inspection and calibration.



SOUND MONITORING: Measurement equipment from Brüel & Kjær – Denmark

Sound level analyzer - main technical parameters: Linear frequency range: 5.6 Hz to 20 kHz (with standard microphone 4950)
Measurement range (A-weighted): 16.4 dB to 140 dB (with standard microphone 4950)
Dynamic range 120 dB
Communication – USB, LAN, or through GPRS/3G modems
Possible printer connection, GPS, meteo station, modem, etc.
Built-in rechargeable Li-ion battery (for autonomy operation > 8h.)

Outdoor measurement microphone - main technical parameters:
Easy microphone assembling
Possibility for easy and authentically acoustic calibration / check
CIC function (CIC patent)
Measurements according to standards EN/IEC 61672 Class 1, ANSI S 1.40 – 1984
Sensitivity 31,6 mV/Pa
Wide dynamic range
Built-in pre-amplifier with individual TEDS chip (IEEE P1451.4)
Weather proof, rain & bird protection

DUST PARTICULATE MONITORING: Measurement equipment from MetOne – USA

Program auto-zero, auto-range, auto-scale (for 1 to 65000 μm/m3)
Automatic protocol for flow control
Built-in battery (for 30 hours operation without heating, and 10 hours with heating on)
Pre i e optical engine with laser diode technology, built-in 47 mm analyzing filter
Enviro ment pre sure and temperature
Built-in measurement log er, monitoring of PM10, PM 2.5, PM1, TSP
Aluminum protective housing, protected air-contacted optics
Self-sufficient and system supporting
Easy to replace filter elements

MONITORING OF VIBRATION AND SEISMIC ACTIVITY: Measurement equipment from Instantel – Canada

Професионална Серия IV Minimate Рго4™ - Монитори за наземни вибрации и свръхналягане
Four channels – for one three-axial geophone (ISEE or DIN), as well as one linear ISEE microphone
Availability of functional buttons and intuitive menu for quick and easy set-up
Sampling levels from 512 to 65 S/s per channel (not dependent of recording times)
Continuous monitoring, zero “dead” time between events (even when the device is in sleep mode)
“Histogram Combo” mode allows recording of thousands full records (while working in histograms mode)
“Auto Call Home” mode allows automatic remote monitoring
Memory capacity for more than 8000 events
Fill event record for more than 2 hours duration
Full compliance with the requirements of international “Blasting engneers community” – “Specification of seismographs for blasting operations”
High speed Ethernet interface

METEO DATA MONITORING: Measurement equipment from Lufft – Germany

WS700-UMB is smart meteo sensor for measurement of air temperature, relative humidity, rains intensity, rainfall type, quantity of rains, air pressure, wind direction, wind speed and global radiation.
The relative humidity is measured by capacity sensor element.
Global radiation is measured in W/m2 (min 0.0 – max 2000.0) in 10s periods.
Precise NTC measurement element is used to measure air temperature.
Rainfalls are measured by 24 GHz Doppler radar, which defines drop speed of individual rainfall/snow drop.
The quantity and intensity of rainfalls is calculated by the correlation between the size of the drop and its speed. The difference of the drop speed defines the rainfall type (rain/snow).
The measurement is done by a system, which does not require maintenance (big advantage versus conventional measurement meteo technologies).
Wind measurements are performed by ultrasound sensor technology.
Measurement outputs are available through following protocols: UMBBinary, UMB-ASCII, SDI-12, MODBUS.